You wanted to explore Tara House more?
Tara House is an experience which is not for everyone and it will demand shifts from you, it may or may not suit you, it can be complex or something very simple in your opinion, it will be based on the guidance that your being informs us, this is tapping into the energetic dimensions and is unique. If you are still in the exploring phase it means you may not yet be fully ready and we would advice to wait until you feel truly ready to try it.
This is a very privy and elite experience and may require you to travel for sometime to a new place, try new foods, or do some activities that you might have not done before, you will be guided by your own inner feelings and life when you are ready to make this jump. Reach out to us at that time and we will work with you to tap into the issues that withhold you and where is your break through, we will help you to that place, object or activity where your healing belongs in this current dimension of space and time. This may be anywhere and will be guided and with prior consent once you sign up.
*NOTE: All Tara House experiences are custom designed and no two can ever be alike. We look at addressing the root cause of 1 issue at a time in 1 experience.
If you feel truly ready go back to the home page and take aligned action or take your time and come back later.